Tuesday, March 30, 2010

things that are makin' me feel good

This little treat is something I won after a night out here in Korea. I (lacking sobriety) stumbled upon a little cart that had number tiles and a board and a ton of these confections. I paid 1,000 won and slid some tiles around, pulled out a piece of paper and I won! This thing looked so cute when I got it, but alas, it tastes like burnt sugar.

And today at work was kinda crappy, but I'm making progress in my attempt to assimilate! I picked up some fresh strawberries and apples from the ajumma (lady vendor) on the street outside my apartment, which is sooooo better of a deal than going to the grocery store.

I'm looking forward to some baked apples and some Laughing Cow cheese with these strawberries!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

not p.c. AT ALL

Family Skype session:

Me: I thought about getting a dog.
Mom: They sell dogs there?
Me: Yeah! They love dogs here.
Mom: Yeah, on their plate.
Sister, Brother-in-law, Me: :0

Friday, March 19, 2010


I find that the smell of cinnamon soothes me.

I am so grateful that I snuck a container into my suitcase before I moved here. I have baked apples on the stove and the scent is just what I need right now.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

life in korea

I'm not hating it.

I'd say I'm liking it, but I'm very weary of the 'honeymoon' phase of culture shock.

I hope that two weeks from now I'm not balled up in a corner crying nonstop.

Photos will resume soon.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

cheap kicks

A million hearts are broken every hour
It'll be OK, don't let the milk turn sour
Now there'll be no more going through the motions
And there'll be no more drowning in sweet potions


Monday, March 1, 2010

for the future

We've been abandoned too many times.

Let's just rely on ourselves and no one else.