Also found some vintage pulp fiction that I really want, and it also introduced me to Robert Mcginnis- a prolific pulp fiction cover artist that was very abundant in the 60s. So I shall share some covers here-- I love the way he portrays the Mod femme fatales. I do love this style. I only wish I could pull it off. If my eyes weren't so sensitive I'd wear make-up like that more often.
I'm also trying to teach myself oil painting. One day I hope I get to that level. Someday.
great finds! sexy. love 60s pin up art. Robert McGinnis work is so good, i know he did the 2ed for the top, not sure of the others, tho it looks like his work. also look up Gil Elvgren. his rendering is incredible. and Bill Ward tho he is a bit cartoony :)
you got good taste.
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