Ladies and gentlemen, I couldn't imagine this day. And I couldn't even imagine half of the shit that I've been through since I moved here.
You know, I will admit this now, that I had a big... I guess the term is hang up (though I am sick of seeing it) about Korea. After I learned what my ex did, I hurt so badly that for a short period I used this culture as a scape goat for my pain. I wanted nothing to do with it, or it's people (or women, but turns out I was misinformed about that).
You know what saved me? My kids. My kids saved my life. And that sounds so melodramatic, but those days I found it hard to find a reason to stay here, to wake up even, I had them. And they've put me through so much stress and frustration, but then I find despite that it has all been worth it.
I had the proudest moment of my life today. We had the August class party for the kids, and for the first time my little preschool class got up and said their speeches. (They are about 3-4 years old) And 6 months ago they didn't know any English whatsoever. I'm just.... Wow.. Wow! It's indescribable, this feeling! They can say sentences now! This is what I want to take away from my time in Korea.
Here are some videos from today. The singing of songs was a bit chaotic, but chuckle-worthy.
And also, I have to thank the people in my neighborhood. It's harder living in a somewhat of a boondock area. Nobody really speaks any English here. But the businesses behind my apartment; the post office, the beauty supply store, the chicken joint... they've all made me feel so welcome in Korea. Ajumma at the beauty store gives me a ton of freebies whenever I buy a nail polish, and the ajumma at Mom's Touch always slips me a large coke when I order chicken. Everyone at the post office is super nice to me, and they've given me free pens and post-it notes.
Today I finally mailed the postcards I bought in Bali (ehehehe...) and the ajosshi came up to look at them. He said Bali and asked (in Korean) if I could speak Korean. I replied 'Only a little.' I could tell he had a lot of questions about the place. He saw the one of the Balinese dancers and 'Dan-suh?' and gave an impression of a Balinese dance. It was so funny; everyone in the post office cracked up.
Because of the kindness of these people, I love my life here. And for them I want to learn more of the language and more about them. They'll probably never know how much I'm grateful to them.
6 months.
I've got a new attitude and I think it's just in time.
I promise not to regret you either, Korea.
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