Cirque du Soleil's in Pittsburgh. Oh the memories of this company. Almost ten years ago I saw
Quidam play here and I was hooked. I traveled around the country, sometimes even to Canada, just to catch the different shows. You know how teenagers these days go crazy for
Twilight? Yeah, this was my
Twilight I realize now. Ooo, it causes one to wince at one's own impetuousness from youth! But, I grew out of it as time went on and the company grew larger. I don't follow the gossip or news anymore. (Haha gossip about circus people? I know, wow I was odd. But I wasn't alone in this! That's the thing! There were other people who were MORE dedicated to this company than I was. Probably still are. Haven't kept up with them these past few years...)
I'm digressing!
Totem is here in town. I enjoyed it. They've got a great location in the Strip District which overlooks the Heinz factory and warehouses and 34th Street Bridge. (Heinz like the ketchup, yes that's right. My true and steadfast love from Pittsburgh will always be you, Heinz.) Much better than when Varekai was in town. I'm sad because I've just found out
Quidam will be here in October but I won't be. :C Also, Tamir, why aren't you in
Alegria??!! Whaaat? (If you know what I'm talking about you also loved cirque a bit too much too.)
Sad I didn't get a shot of the Heinz columns... Taken with my Motorola Xoom! |